- 7 large eggs
- 1 cup good quality coconut milk
- 2/3 cup dark brown sugar or raw cane sugar
- 1/4 tsp each...powdered cinnamon, anise, cloves.
- i did not have powdered anise so i steeped 3 star anise in the coconut?sugar mixture.
- 1 tsp ginger juice (use garlic press)
- 1 tsp baking soda
- Preheat oven to 350 F degrees
- Grease a 8"x 3"x 4" loaf pan. i used a glass pyrex because that's what i though would be good for a custard. ALSO, i wanted to see what it was looking like from top to bottom.
- Melt sugar in coconut milk over medium high heat in a medium sauce pan and boil or simmer for about 15 minutes.
- Add spices, ginger juice and baking soda. whip with whisk for about 1 will foam up a bit.
- Remove mixture from heat and let stand for 5 minutes.
- Add slightly beaten eggs in a slow steady stream and beat the mixture until smooth with a whisk.
- Pour batter through a strainer into a preheated greased loaf pan
- Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes in regular oven.
- I think mine was in for 45 minutes. i kept a close eye on it...not knowing what it was supposed to look like, i waited until the center looked like it had risen enough and i knew the eggs were cooked through.
- BY THE was soooo odd looking while it cooked...something out of Alien. it looked like it was alive all bubbling underneath it's thin brown crust. i've never seen anything like it.
- Remove from oven and let the cake stand for at least 15 minutes for it to cool before removing from pan.
- As the cake cools it will deflate considerably. don't be alarmed. it will condense into a firm custard.
- Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
- Another BY THE WAY...right out of the oven this thing smelled like rotten eggs...sulfur in fact. i thought, what the heck is this? can this be edible? i put it in the fridge for a few hours and gave it a try...ewe, still rotten eggs. yikes. i was going to throw it out, but knew i needed to blog about it. i let it sit in the fridge while i thought about it. a day or two later i brought it out again...after messing around for about an hour taking pictures i realized the smell had gone away. miraculously the smell had disappeared.
- After it is cooked, put it in the fridge for at least a day or two. then bring it out and give it a try. maybe it will need some airing out as well.
Reviewed by Funny moments
June 01, 2015

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