Crepes with ricotta cheese and blueberries

Crepes with ricotta cheese and blueberries

  • Homemade crepes (detailed tutorial with photos here)
  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons agave nectar
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • Makes 4 servings


  1. Prepare crepes according to instructions.
  2. Heat ricotta cheese and agave nectar in a small skillet on medium-high and keep mixing it until the mixture becomes liquid and of even consistency. Remove from heat and let it cool. Once it cools a bit, the mixture would become more solid, which is what we want.
  3. To serve: add 2 tablespoons of agave-ricotta cheese mixture on top of the open crepe, scatter blueberries, and fold the crepe in half. Ready to serve!

Crepes with ricotta cheese and blueberries Crepes with ricotta cheese and blueberries Reviewed by Funny moments on July 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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