Jam Doughnuts



  • 400g (2⅓ cups) plain flour
  • 10g dried yeast
  • 50g caster sugar with extra for dusting
  • 150ml warmed milk
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) pouring cream
  • 50g grated butter
  • 1 beaten egg
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Start by mixing your flour yeast and sugar in a bowl with an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook to combine. Slowly add warm milk, butter, cream, egg, pinch of salt and cinnamon until a smooth dough begins to form.
  2. Let dough sit in warm area with a damp tea towel over the top until the dough has doubled in size. This should be around 60-90 minutes.
  3. Once dough has risen turn dough out onto a floured beach and begin knocking it back and flattening it to a 1cm thickness then cutting into 6cm rounds with a cutter. At this stage put the cut rounds onto a tray to prove further for around 5-10 minutes.
  4. Heat oil in a deep saucepan for 175C. We recommend deep frying the doughnuts in batches, turning them occasionally until they are golden and puffed (around 3-4 minutes on each side taking care of spitting oil). Once they’ve finished cooking place them on paper towel to drain.
  5. Roll cooked doughnuts in caster sugar with cinnamon. If you have some jam around the house we recommend piercing a hole in one end of the doughnut then piping raspberry jam into the centre. Best enjoyed warm.

See more at: http://www.artofbaking.net/winter-warmers-jam-filled-doughnuts/#sthash.JPhehGES.dpuf
Jam Doughnuts Jam Doughnuts Reviewed by Funny moments on July 12, 2016 Rating: 5

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