

  • 1 large head of lettuce
  • 3 cooked and chopped carrots
  • 1/4 kilo cooked meat
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon
  • oil
  • salt
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • Spanish:
  • 1 llechuga grande
  • 3 zanahorias cocidas
  • 1/4 kilo carne cocida
  • mayonesa
  • limon
  • aceite
  • sal
  • 2 huevos duros


Chop lettuce, combine with the meat, carrots, eggs. Add salt, oil and lemon to taste. Serve with olives and garnish with mayonnaise.

Serves 5-6.
Salpicon Salpicon Reviewed by Funny moments on July 05, 2016 Rating: 5

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